Can Zero-Waste Restaurants Succeed in New York?
Bon appetit
“In Brooklyn, Rhodora’s zero-waste mission is printed right onto the (recyclable) menus. The natural wine bar doesn’t have a chef—instead, each member of the small staff greets guests, pours wine, and assembles food in equal measure. In another departure from traditional kitchen dynamics, there’s no trash can on the premises. Instead, an on-site composter turns diners’ leftovers into mulch for the mini gardens bordering the sidewalk, which also helps fertilize the rooftop gardens at Brooklyn Grange.”
Inside the Brooklyn Wine Bar that’s Completely Garbage-Free
The today show
“Rhodora Wine Bar in Brooklyn, New York, is a 100% sustainable restaurant that isn’t producing any landfill waste. The 3rd hour of TODAY goes inside the eatery to learn how it eliminated trash production.”
A Restaurant With No Leftovers
“The new eatery is one of a handful of establishments in various cities that have begun to operate under a zero-waste ethos, meaning they do not send any trash or food waste that enters their business to a landfill. There is not even a traditional trash can on the premises.”
A Boundary-Pushing Natural Wine Bar Opens in Fort Greene With Zero-Waste Goal
“What came next is owner Henry Rich’s strongest statement for sustainability and its impact on climate change yet: It’s called Rhodora, a zero-waste natural wine bar that Rich hopes will help further the conversation around sustainability at New York restaurants.”
Brooklyn’s New Natural Wine Bar, Rhodora, is Entirely Waste-Free
“While Rhodora may be small in the sense of square footage, they are now an international symbol of innovation.”